Project Bibliographies and Other Resources


General Bibliography

This extensive bibliography, organized by topic, is presented for researchers, scholars and educators interested in Chicago women’s activism during the late 20th century. We are continually adding to this, so check back later for updated versions.


CWLU Bibliography

The Chicago Women’s Liberation Union (CWLU) was established in 1969 and functioned as a vital, multi-purpose, feminist organization with many chapters until 1976. This bibliography include the major sources for research on CWLU.

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Documentary Films

CWHC holds a collection of documentary films on DVD that relate to, or provide background for, our project “Documenting Women’ Activism and Leadership in Chicago 1945 - 2000.” We have compiled a list of those films that deal specifically with Chicago women during this period. Included are: “Jane: An Abortion Service,” “Heather Booth, Changing the World,” “Union Maids,” “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry” and many others. For the full list please see below.